The Soul Nebula
The Soul Nebula is a complex structure of emission nebulae and open clusters, packed full of detail and contrast. I managed to get 5 hours on it last night.
It’s usually processed with either deep red colors or the mix of blue and gold from the HOO palette. I always like to go soft on these targets and try to create a “warmer shade of red.”

I won’t be imaging for a few weeks now. Incoming clouds is one of the reasons but it’s mainly because I’ll have some maintenance done on my HEQ5 mount. I will replace the gears with the belt mod which will hopefully future proof the mount for whatever equipment I might combine it with over the next few years.
My HEQ5 has been amazing though and with the exception of some issues last winter it has been working flawless for me.
I’ve started doing some research on new projects but the next targets will be the “low late fall targets” in the Orion & Monoceros region.