The Heart Nebula
Summer is coming to an end and I can only be extremely happy about the imaging time I’ve had from April till now. The year kicked off rather grim with week after week of overcast skies but everything opened up at the end of galaxy season and summer had some amazing streaks of clear skies. Even better was that my holiday period completely coincided with some of the best conditions I have ever seen.
At the same time I also have a lot of unfinished projects. I have +60 hours of unprocessed data on multiple Sharpless objects and a bunch of spectroscopy and exoplanet stuff I haven’t even touched yet. Work has taken over now and while I still image on autopilot I’ll need to find some time to work on those projects. Maybe I’ll just park them and add more data next year, we’ll see.
The important thing in this hobby is just to do what you want, whenever you want and don’t let any time pressure turn this stuff into a chore. For the next month I’ll likely revisit some targets I shot last year, look at some more interesting faint project ideas and explore new targets that are fit for my smaller new telescope.
But who knows. Last year the period between October and January was rough, to say the least. Let’s see what happens.