Nautical darkness
The nights are getting longer again. We now have nautical dark around 10 PM till 3.40 AM which means I can capture a lot of data in a clear night. I shot 3 objects recently. The Swan Nebula, NGC7822 and The Crescent Nebula.
The Swan Nebula is a star forming region low in the southern sky and I was only able to get 1 hour of integration time on it, but it’s enough to make it pop. NGC7822 is a huge object and I tried to focus on the core of the region but had to deal with a lot of noise due to some high clouds. The Crescent is a familiar object, it’s easy to shoot and very bright but I decided to go at it again because I never shot it with my Antlia filter.
I will probably go for a few more familiar objects in the next sessions before I go back to more challenging targets.
In the meantime I’m also figuring out my observatory project and the possibility of adding a 200mm lens to my equipment to shoot those bigger fall nebula targets. We’ll see.

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