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Month: July 2024



I’m on PTO so I have all the time in the world. I had 3 clear nights in a row and decided to image the Elephant Trunk Nebula and the Bubble Nebula. I’ve imaged both before and I really like to go back to those old images and compare.

Here is my first EAA image of IC1396 versus my most recent capture with a total integration time of 7.8 hours. On the EAA image the trunk is only visible as a dark feature.

Same with NGC 7635. Seeing that Bubble ‘pop’ on the screen for the first time was something special.

The EAA images were made with a planetary camera, focal reducer and a cheap UV/IR cut filter. The long exposure images were made with the same scope but with a cooled astro camera, a rather expensive duoband filter, an autofocuser, coma corrector etc. And while the EAA images were made sitting outside (sometimes in the cold), the long exposure images were made sitting inside while the scope and mount were doing everything on autorun mode.

Some people will say that makes astrophotography boring. But I still enjoy researching targets, reading about them and processing the final result. But they have a point. The excitement of EAA, live astronomy, starhopping and going really deep on objects (even if that results in blurry images) is a wonderful feeling. I didn’t ask anyone, but I’m sure lots of astrophotographers miss that sensation of sitting outside and discovering the universe with their own eyes, getting lost in dense milky way starfields. But as our busy lives take over, astrophotography is a very convenient way to stay ‘connected’.

I could go deeper from here on and invest in a better scope, more filters and maybe a monochrome camera but I don’t feel that urge. Instead I like to devote more time on spectroscopy, exoplanet transits and dimmer objects (which might require a larger scope unfortunately).

My plan for the rest of the summer is to focus on astrophotography during the clear nights and shoot some spectroscopy data anytime I can in between the clouds.

Nautical darkness

Nautical darkness

The nights are getting longer again. We now have nautical dark around 10 PM till 3.40 AM which means I can capture a lot of data in a clear night. I shot 3 objects recently. The Swan Nebula, NGC7822 and The Crescent Nebula. 

The Swan Nebula is a star forming region low in the southern sky and I was only able to get 1 hour of integration time on it, but it’s enough to make it pop. NGC7822 is a huge object and I tried to focus on the core of the region but had to deal with a lot of noise due to some high clouds. The Crescent is a familiar object, it’s easy to shoot and very bright but I decided to go at it again because I never shot it with my Antlia filter. 

I will probably go for a few more familiar objects in the next sessions before I go back to more challenging targets. 

In the meantime I’m also figuring out my observatory project and the possibility of adding a 200mm lens to my equipment to shoot those bigger fall nebula targets. We’ll see.

To make my journal a bit more accessible I’ve linked my image gallery directly with my instagram account. You don’t need an account to browse it, you can click on every image and it will load the description.

Beyond the Aquila rift

Beyond the Aquila rift

Looking for inspiration for my next target I was reading Alastair Reynolds collection of short stories Beyond the Aquila Rift. One of his greatest skills in writing in my opinion is his competence in describing the vastness of space and the recurring theme of being lost or making unexpected discoveries. 

It also made me realize I’ve never looked at the Aquila constellation before and the wonderful dark absorption nebulas that are hiding between the dense starfields. 

It took a while to figure out how to best process this image. It was clear the data was there but I had to play around a bit with the background to really bring out the sense of color and scale. 

The weather has turned to downright tropical now so I need to be very careful about unexpected rainfall when I leave my scope outside. Hoping that summer stabilizes and we get more clear nights.

Don’t look up

Don’t look up

Big news last week as mainstream media was reporting on an asteroid having a very close encounter with earth at a distance of 290k kilometers. To put this into perspective, the moon is about 385k kilometers away. 

The news that this asteroid was only discovered on the 16th of June makes it even more interesting as it shows how unprepared we would be for an extinction level event asteroid. 

Anyway, this close distance meant that it’s possible for us, amateurs, to track and image this object. This is usually very easy, we have a bunch of software at our disposal to steer our telescopes to the desired object and start imaging. Astronomy is basically point and click today. But not for recently discovered objects. This meant looking up the NASA coordinates and manually directing our GOTO systems to the asteroid. 

On Saturday evening I joined the amazing Dobsonian Power Youtube livestream to join the channel’s Explorer Quest, where amateur astronomers who are members of the community can join the stream and cast their telescope views. Our mission was to capture this asteroid and we can proudly say this mission was accomplished. Cheers to Tiago Ferreira and his amazing Youtube channel!

Here is asteroid 2024MK flying past us at a close distance with the Pegasus constellation in the background.

Summer nights

Summer nights

I had an unexpected streak of clear nights and took full advantage to image both the Wizard and Trifid Nebula. I looked at the Wizard last year too but I was in a hurry and didn’t give it the appropriate time. This year, with 4 hours of total integration time and a better filter and proper guiding I managed to get a very decent result. It’s also enough data to experiment with the colors without making it too ridiculous. 

The Trifid is a different story. This object is barely rising over 15 degrees altitude from my location which means I only have a short time window to shoot it, through a lot of light pollution. I tried it last year and was not happy with the result. I’m very satisfied with this year’s result and look forward to trying the Helix Nebula in late August.