Fall is here

Fall is here

After literally weeks with clouds and rain I finally got to set up the scope again. My plan was to capture Mars but the seeing was again not optimal – I captured a lot of data but I don’t think it will lead to anything good post processing. This was also my first session where I really had massive dew, something I need to take care of.

My goal for the next weeks is to have a look at the Triangulum Galaxy and the Crab Nebula and today I had a first few peeks with the 25 mm.

I hope to capture them with my camera at some point too, I’ve purchased a focal reducer to increase my FOV, I’m curious what I’ll manage to get.

I did capture some other nice sights. One of them is Albireo, I remember I posted about this in july after I made a picture with my phone. This one is definitely better.

I wanted to end the night with Orion but clouds made me call it a night.

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